Our Constitution

1. Following the 1997 Village Appraisal the Forum was established as a way of processing the findings of the Appraisal and as the meeting place where any matter thought to be of benefit to the residents could be discussed and the appropriate action planned.

2. The Walton-on-the-Hill Village Forum shall be a place where existing village organisations can bring forward their plans, make known their needs, concerns and requests for help from or co-operation with others.

3. The meetings will be open to all residents of Walton-on-the-Hill interested in any aspect of life in the village.

4. The Forum shall be non-political but the ward councillors may be invited to give updates on non-political developments of local interest.

5. A representative of the local press will normally be invited at the committee’s discretion.

6. The Forum shall work in conjunction with the local council, the Tadworth and Walton Residents Association, the police and any other appropriate bodies. Each will be invited to send a representative to each meeting and an item on the agenda will be made available to them.

7. Meetings shall be held as frequently or infrequently as required but typically three to four times a year, the dates to be determined from one meeting to the next.

8. The dates of the meetings with time and place shall be advertised as widely as possible including using the village noticeboards, the parish magazine, the Forum’s Facebook page or other social media presence and by email.

9. The first meeting each year will commence with the Annual General Meeting at which the Forum will elect a Chairman, an Honorary Treasurer and further committee members to help in pursuing any issues raised at the Forum’s meetings or which the committee deems to be in furtherance of the interests of the village. Extraordinary general meetings may also be called in order to elect additional and replacement committee members and to approve other constitutional matters as necessary. The committee members will appoint one of their number as secretary on an ad hoc basis to take the minutes of each meeting.

10. All candidates for membership of the Forum’s committee must be residents of Walton-on-the-Hill and must be proposed and seconded by residents of the village who have been members and regular attendees at Forum meetings for at least 12 months prior to proposing or seconding a candidate for the committee.

11. The Honorary Treasurer will open an account with an authorised bank or building society, will keep proper records of income, assets and liabilities and, at each meeting, make a financial statement. He/she is authorised to pay any expenses that he/she considered legitimate in connection with the Forum.

12. At the last meeting in each year an appropriate person shall be appointed to examine the books and accounts and report their satisfaction (or otherwise) to the Annual General Meeting.

These aims and this revised Constitution were formally adopted at the Forum meeting held on 27th September 2016.